- Chart, Organization Chart
- Jul 4, 2012
- Public
- External Spreadsheet
THDL sect data. Notice the root node utilizes html markup and inline CSS (may work with JS too?) inside of the node, and that each node links to it's respective THDL page when clicked. I looks like the drupal node won't handle a chart this size, so go here: http://www.viseyes.org/shiva/go.htm?shivaGroup=Visualization&chartType=OrgChart&shivaId=0&dataSourceUrl=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlOW3TkgVVRzdDVIQTNPQlBmb3ctbjB2QTFqWHBzRVE&query=&height=600&width=800&allowHtml=true&allowCollapse=false& to see the whole thing.